Daniele Panzitta
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Daniele Panzitta is an Italian saxophonist and teacher. In 1994, after gaining some experience in a local concert band, he started to study saxophone in the Conservatory of Vibo Valentia. In 2001, he finished his studies and graduated at the top of his class and started to study with Armando Ghidoni. At the same time he attended the University of Calabria (Academic Courses of Aesthetic and History of Music) where he graduated in 2004. During this time, he played across Italy as a soloist and as a part of ensembles. With the Sator Quartett he performed at the XIV World Saxophone Congress in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 2006 he got his Jazz Diploma. His pedagogical book "Manuale Completo di Sassofono" was published in 2017. He is currently a saxophone teacher at a high school in Vibo, Valentia.
Jul 13 201810:00
Daniele Panzitta
Circular Breathing in Daily Practice1. Achievement of technical standards2. Acting the circular breathing on saxophone3. Particular aspects and strategies4. Tunes and excercisesACADEMY OF MUSIC Room 339 Trg Republike Hrvatske 12