Po-Yuan Ku and I-An Chen
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Dr. Po-Yuan Ku started to pursue his study in music under the tutelage of Dr. John Sampen at Bowling Green State University (US) in 1999. He received his Artist Certificate in Saxophone Performance in 2000, and the degree of Master of Art in Saxophone Performance in 2002. In 2003, Po-Yuan went to study in Canada under the tutelage of Dr. William Street and received his degree in Doctor of Music Arts from University of Alberta in 2009. In 2005, he won the University of Alberta Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition and performed in Winspear Centre in March 2006. In 2008, he won the Concerto Competition of ECCS and world-premiered the concerto in the Region 9 saxophone conference of NASA (North American Saxophone Alliance) in 2009. He currently teaches at National Tainan University, Tainan University of Technology, Fu-Jen Catholic University, National Taichung University of Education and Chinese Culture University. Po-Yuan is also the founding member of the Composition VII Saxophone Quartet. Po-Yuan is also the conductor of the Taipei Youth Symphonic Band. Pianist I-An Chen has won numerous awards including the First Prize of National Music Competition in her native country Taiwan and the Ann Arbor Young Artist Competition. She holds a Master of Piano Performance degree from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, under the instruction of Dr. Logan Skelton and a Master degree of Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music (now Collaborative Piano) in UM. In 2009 she worked as the official pianist in resident at the XV World Saxophone Congress and since 2011 she has been the official pianist in Singapore Saxophone Symposium. She was invited to serve as the collaborative faculty in Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy and was a lecturer and collaborative pianist in the 2nd Taiwan International Saxophone Symposium. She is currently on the artist faculty as Assistant Professor of the Music Department of Fu-Jen Catholic University (Taiwan).
Jul 13 201810:00
Po-Yuan Ku and I-An Chen
Michael Sidney Timpson (1970): Past Presents for alto saxophone and piano (premiere performance)
Michael Sidney Timpson (1970): Petite-Partita for solo saxophone (premiere performance)
Chihchun Chi-Sun Lee (1970): Cosmos for soprano/alto saxophones and piano (premiere performance)ACADEMY OF MUSIC Fran Lhotka Hall Trg Republike Hrvatske 12