Three Continent Quartet, Camerata Odak - Jasenka Ostojić, conductor
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Graduate of the National Conservatory “Lopez Buchardo”, Fernando Lerman was formed by Hugo Pierre and Victor Skorupski (saxophone) and Juan Carlos Zorzi (composition). His thesis for the master's degree in Latin-American Music (U.N of Cuyo) titled “Erasing borders, academic and popular music for saxophone and piano created in Buenos Aires” includes pieces of Mario Herrerías, Astor Piazzolla and Juan D' Argenton, among others. He is a professor at “Manuel de Falla” Conservatory and National University of Arts in Argentina. His works of chamber music have been performed by recognized concert musicians like Maria Noel Luzardo, Miguel Villafruela, Amalia del Giudice, Tanya von Arx and others. He had shared multiple artistic projects with Abel Rogantini, Alejandro Manzoni, Maximo Rodriguez, Ricardo Nolé, Ludmila Fernandez, etc. Among his latest works are the CD “Yours, mine, ours” with de guitarist Juan Falú, Obi Homer, Alan Plachta and Claudio Cecolli. He has also collaborated with Juan Palomino on „Eight letters to Julio“ with script by his brother Gabriel D. Lerman, and the direction of Daniel Berbedés (co-author of his plays). He develops and performs concerts and classes in Argentina, Santiago de Chile (University of Chile), Paris (Chamber Selmer), Berlín (Universität der Künste), Sevilla's Conservatory and La Habana (ISA). Jasenka Ostojić, graduated in conducting from the Music Academy in Zagreb in class of prof. Pavle Dešpalj, with whom she also completed the post-graduation training. During her studies she gained a scholarship from Lovro & Lilly Matacic fund. She also finished a conducting master class with prof. Ronald Zollman. She is the head of the 3rd Department of Conducting, Harp and Percussion with the title of regular professor at the Music Academy in Zagreb. She teaches the basics of vocal technique, chamber choir and conducting obligatory, and leads the Choir of the Music Academy since 2000. She Specialized in vocal training for young singers. She is a permanent conductor of the Zagrebacki djecaci (Zagreb's Boys) since 1994. In the year 2006 she founded the Croatian society Collegium Pro Arte with the choruses Cappella Zinka and Cappella Odak. (source:, 2014)
Alfonso Padilla, tenor saxophone
Fernando Lerman, alto saxophone
Jay Byrnes, bariton saxophone
Camerata Odak
Jasenka Ostojić, conductor
Jul 14 201812:00
Three Continent Quartet, Camerata Odak - Jasenka Ostojić, conductor
ensemble performance
Fernando Lerman (1968): Todos los Dioses, el Dios / All Gods , the God - Bautismal, La vida rezando, Al Paraíso (premiere performance)