Nathan Mertens, Elizabeth Rosinbum and Jessica Voigt-Page
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Nathan Mertens, Elizabeth Rosinbum and Jessica Voigt-Page are three talented young entrepreneurs that maintain multi-faceted careers as performers, researchers, educators, and business owners. Mertens, a recipient of the prestigious Monbukagakusho Research Student Scholarship, is the first American saxophonist to study saxophone formally in Japan. After earning his doctorate from the University of Texas, he moved to Japan to research Japanese saxophone performance and pedagogy at the Kunitachi College of Music under Masato Kumoi. Rosinbum is an in-demand private teacher, clinician, performer, and speaker. She has created a series of lectures designed to prepare young musicians develop the necessary skills to build thriving businesses, create a clear vision for the future, and overcome anxiety, both personally and professionally. Voigt-Page is the founder of Saxophone Academy Austin, joined the faculty at Baylor University, and leads the Longhorn Music Camp at The University of Texas. She founded the Abundant Musician Project to guide young musicians through the process of engineering their careers in the arts.
Jul 13 201814:00
Nathan Mertens, Elizabeth Rosinbum and Jessica Voigt-Page
The Entrepreneurial Musician
UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB Auditorium Trg Republike Hrvatske 14