Impetus Saxophone Ensemble
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Impetus Saxophone Ensemble was formed in Japan after all the members have returned from their studies in France where they actually met for the first time!
Haruka Inoue, Nozomi Sakai, Ahn Teawook, Yuki Tanaka, Miki Isogai, Tomotaka Nohara, Kyoko Nemoto, Hondo Makoto, Mariko Takeshita
Jul 13 201819:30
Impetus Saxophone Ensemble
Manuel de Falla (1876-1946): Danzo ritual del fuegoPyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893): Souvenir de FlorenceClaude Debussy (1862-1918): Marche écossaise sur un thème populaireUNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB Auditorium Trg Republike Hrvatske 14