Sergey Kolesov
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Sergey Kolesov is the leading Russian saxophonist of today. He has been conducting successful concert and pedagogical activities all over the world for more than 15 years (Germany, Poland, France, Italy, Blegium, Brazil, China, Japan and many other countries). Kolesov is the first Russian musician in history to win the "Grand-prix" at the prestigious International Adolphe Sax Competition in Dinant, Belgium, 2006. A graduate of the Russian Gnesin's Academy of Music in the class of Professor Margarita Shaposhnikova, Sergey Kolesov is the first prize winner of an impressive number of prestigious international competitions. Sergey Kolesov is a profeesor of Lomonosov Moscow State University and S. Prokofiev Music College. Kolesov is the organizer and inspiration for the biggest saxophone performance projects in Russia: International Saxophone Competition “The Voice of Saxophone in the Modern World” (Russian Gnesin’s Academy 2011), International Saxophone Competitions “Pushkinsax” (Prokofiev Music College 2014, 2015, 2017), as well as master classes with outstanding musicians from around the world. Sergey Kolesov is the author of the Russian national musical educational project «Forest Sax school in Slavic Kremlin». Sergey Kolesov serves as a member of juries of International competitions, the International TV children competition “Nutcracker,” as well as at a number of festivals and competitions in Russia. He regularly takes part in programs of the international charitable foundation “Gift of Life.”